Chinese zodiac years are represented by 12 animals. Each Chinese lunar year has a Chinese zodiac sign animal. The Chinese zodiac year's stsarting date is a little different from the Gregorian year. It starts from Chinese New Year.
The Chinese zodiac years chart below is provided to help you find out the exact starting and ending dates of the Chinese zodiac years. (This is especially useful for finding the Chinese zodiac signs of people born in January or February.)
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Chinese Zodiac Years Chart from 1948 to 2031
Year | Date | Chinese Zodiac Year |
1948 | Feb. 10, 1948 – Jan. 28, 1949 | Year of the Rat |
1949 | Jan. 29, 1949 – Feb. 16, 1950 | Year of the Ox |
1950 | Feb. 17, 1950 – Feb. 05, 1951 | Year of the Tiger |
1951 | Feb. 06, 1951 – Jan. 26, 1952 | Year of the Rabbit |
1952 | Jan. 27, 1952 – Feb. 13, 1953 | Year of the Dragon |
1953 | Feb. 14, 1953 – Feb. 02, 1954 | Year of the Snake |
1954 | Feb. 03, 1954 – Jan. 23, 1955 | Year of the Horse |
1955 | Jan. 24, 1955 – Feb. 11, 1956 | Year of the Goat |
1956 | Feb. 12, 1956 – Jan. 30, 1957 | Year of the Monkey |
1957 | Jan. 31, 1957 – Feb. 17, 1958 | Year of the Rooster |
1958 | Feb. 18, 1958 – Feb. 07, 1959 | Year of the Dog |
1959 | Feb. 08, 1959 – Jan. 27, 1960 | Year of the Pig |
Year | Date | Chinese Zodiac Year |
1960 | Jan. 28, 1960 – Feb. 14, 1961 | Year of the Rat |
1961 | Feb. 15, 1961 – Feb. 4, 1962 | Year of the Ox |
1962 | Feb. 5, 1962 – Jan. 24, 1963 | Year of the Tiger |
1963 | Jan. 25, 1963 – Feb. 12, 1964 | Year of the Rabbit |
1964 | Feb. 13, 1964 – Feb. 1, 1965 | Year of the Dragon |
1965 | Feb. 2, 1965 – Jan. 20, 1966 | Year of the Snake |
1966 | Jan. 21, 1966 – Feb. 8, 1967 | Year of the Horse |
1967 | Feb. 9, 1967 – Jan. 30, 1968 | Year of the Goat |
1968 | Jan. 30, 1968 – Feb. 16, 1969 | Year of the Monkey |
1969 | Feb. 17, 1969 – Feb. 5, 1970 | Year of the Rooster |
1970 | Feb. 6, 1970 – Jan. 26, 1971 | Year of the Dog |
1971 | Jan. 27, 1971 – Feb. 14, 1972 | Year of the Pig |
Year | Date | Chinese Zodiac Year |
1972 | Feb. 15, 1972 – Feb. 2, 1973 | Year of the Rat |
1973 | Feb. 3, 1973 – Jan. 22, 1974 | Year of the Ox |
1974 | Jan. 23, 1974 – Feb. 10, 1975 | Year of the Tiger |
1975 | Feb. 11, 1975 – Jan. 30, 1976 | Year of the Rabbit |
1976 | Jan. 31, 1976 – Feb. 17, 1977 | Year of the Dragon |
1977 | Feb. 18, 1977 – Feb. 6, 1978 | Year of the Snake |
1978 | Feb. 7, 1978 – Jan. 27, 1979 | Year of the Horse |
1979 | Jan. 28, 1979 – Feb. 15, 1980 | Year of the Goat |
1980 | Feb. 16, 1980 – Feb. 4, 1981 | Year of the Monkey |
1981 | Feb. 5, 1981 – Jan. 24, 1982 | Year of the Rooster |
1982 | Jan. 25, 1982 – Feb. 12, 1983 | Year of the Dog |
1983 | Feb. 13, 1983 – Feb. 1, 1984 | Year of the Pig |
Year | Date | Chinese Zodiac Year |
1984 | Feb. 2, 1984 – Feb. 19, 1985 | Year of the Rat |
1985 | Feb. 19, 1985 – Feb. 8, 1986 | Year of the Ox |
1986 | Feb. 9, 1986 – Jan. 28, 1987 | Year of the Tiger |
1987 | Jan. 29, 1987 – Feb. 16, 1988 | Year of the Rabbit |
1988 | Feb. 17, 1988 – Feb. 5, 1989 | Year of the Dragon |
1989 | Feb. 6, 1989 – Jan. 26, 1990 | Year of the Snake |
1990 | Jan. 27, 1990 – Feb. 14, 1991 | Year of the Horse |
1991 | Feb. 15, 1991 – Feb. 3, 1992 | Year of the Goat |
1992 | Feb. 4, 1992 – Jan. 22, 1993 | Year of the Monkey |
1993 | Jan. 23, 1993 – Feb. 9, 1994 | Year of the Rooster |
1994 | Feb. 10, 1994 – Jan. 30, 1995 | Year of the Dog |
1995 | Jan. 30, 1995 – Feb. 18, 1996 | Year of the Pig |
Year | Date | Chinese Zodiac Year |
1996 | Feb. 19, 1996 – Feb. 6, 1997 | Year of the Rat |
1997 | Feb. 7, 1997 – Jan. 27, 1998 | Year of the Ox |
1998 | Jan. 28, 1998 – Feb. 15, 1999 | Year of the Tiger |
1999 | Feb. 16, 1999 – Feb. 4, 2000 | Year of the Rabbit |
2000 | Feb. 5, 2000 – Jan. 23, 2001 | Year of the Dragon |
2001 | Jan. 24, 2001 – Feb. 11, 2002 | Year of the Snake |
2002 | Feb. 12, 2002 – Feb. 18, 2003 | Year of the Horse |
2003 | Feb. 1, 2003 – Jan. 21, 2004 | Year of the Goat |
2004 | Jan. 22, 2004 – Feb. 8, 2005 | Year of the Monkey |
2005 | Feb. 9, 2005 – Jan. 28, 2006 | Year of the Rooster |
2006 | Jan. 29, 2006 – Feb. 17, 2007 | Year of the Dog |
2007 | Feb. 17, 2007 – Feb. 6, 2008 | Year of the Pig |
Year | Date | Chinese Zodiac Year |
2008 | Feb. 7, 2008 – Jan. 25, 2009 | Year of the Rat |
2009 | Jan. 26, 2009 – Feb. 13, 2010 | Year of the Ox |
2010 | Feb. 14, 2010 – Feb. 2, 2011 | Year of the Tiger |
2011 | Feb. 3, 2011 – Jan. 22, 2012 | Year of the Rabbit |
2012 | Jan. 23, 2012 – Feb. 9, 2013 | Year of the Dragon |
2013 | Feb. 10, 2013 – Jan. 30, 2014 | Year of the Snake |
2014 | Jan. 31, 2014 – Feb. 18, 2015 | Year of the Horse |
2015 | Feb. 19, 2015 – Feb. 7, 2016 | Year of the Goat |
2016 | Feb. 8, 2016 – Jan. 27, 2017 | Year of the Monkey |
2017 | Jan. 28, 2017 – Feb. 15, 2018 | Year of the Rooster |
2018 | Feb. 16, 2018 – Feb. 4, 2019 | Year of the Dog |
2019 | Feb. 4, 2019 – Jan. 24, 2020 | Year of the Pig |
What is my Chinese Zodiac Year Animal?
Chinese people associate each animal sign with certain characteristics. It's believed that people born in a given year have the personality of that year's animal.
For example, if you're born after January 27 in 1998, your Chinese zodiac sign is the Tiger as 1998 was a year of the Tiger (beginning at Chinese New Year).
Use the Chinese zodiac calculator below to quickly and accurately know what your zodiac sign is, what is lucky for that sign, and a brief horoscope prediction for this year.
Click a picture below to check out a zodiac animal sign's horoscope, personality, love compatibility, etc. in detail.